Category: ICERD

July 2023 Public Statement: Condemning Racial Profiling and Police Brutality Against African Americans

July 2023 Public Statement: Condemning Racial Profiling and Police Brutality Against African Americans

July 2023 Public Statement: Condemning Racial Profiling and Police Brutality Against African Americans

I am deeply concerned about the recent instances of racial profiling and police brutality targeting African Americans in the US. I condemn these acts of discrimination and violence, recognizing that they not only violate basic human rights but also contradict the principles enshrined in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD).

The ICERD, a legally binding instrument ratified by the US in 1994, explicitly prohibits racial discrimination in all its forms. It emphasizes the equal rights and dignity of all individuals, irrespective of their race, color, descent, national or ethnic origin. It is disheartening to witness across social media platforms, the persistent instances where these principles are disregarded, leading to devastating consequences for marginalized communities, particularly African Americans.

We must acknowledge that these incidents are not isolated events but are indicative of systemic issues deeply rooted in society. Structural racism and biases have perpetuated a system that disproportionately affects African Americans, leading to unequal treatment, unjust arrests, and excessive use of force by law enforcement agencies.

In 2021, Los Angeles police tased documentarian Damien Smith in his home, mistaking him for a burglar. The next year body-worn camera footage show Paterson police shoot Khalif Cooper in his lower back, paralyzing him for life. Earlier this year, on June 2, 2023, Alabama police tased an unarmed African American to death after mistaking him for a burglar. Reports also surfaced this month that Northwoods police officer broke a man’s jaw with a baton, leaving him in Kinloch. Further, an American uploaded a video of a police officer giving him a warning because he was going 65 mph in a 70 mph speed limit.

Such practices erode trust between communities and the authorities, perpetuating a cycle of fear, discrimination, and violence. Indeed, the practices of racial profiling are raised with some regularity before the CERD Committee. General recommendation 31 urges State parties to take all necessary steps ‘to prevent questioning, arrests and searches which are in reality, based on the physical appearance of a person, that persons’ color or features or membership of a racial or ethnic group.’

The Committee further stated that racial or ethnic profiling against individuals of African descent (CERD/C/PAN/CO/15-20, para. 21) is regarded as dangerous in that it promotes racial prejudice or stereotypes (CERD/C/IRL/CO/3-4, para. 18).

As a Human Rights Defender committed to the promotion of equality, diversity, and inclusivity, I stand in solidarity with the African American community in the US and all those who have been victims of racial profiling and police brutality. I recognize the urgent need for immediate action to address these systemic challenges and create meaningful change.

To this end, I call upon the following actions:

1. Accountability and Transparency: Law enforcement agencies must be held accountable for any violations of human rights, including racial profiling and the use of excessive force. There should be transparent investigations into all incidents, and perpetrators must face appropriate legal consequences.

2. Training and Education: Comprehensive anti-racism and de-escalation training programs should be implemented for law enforcement officers to foster cultural sensitivity, emphasize human rights, and promote fair and unbiased practices. I further call upon the US to strongly consider implementing a new de-escalation unit in the nation.

3. Community Engagement: Officers must be willing to take the initiative to promote dialogue and foster trust between community members and law enforcement agencies They must also encourage open communication channels, establish community oversight mechanisms, and involve community leaders in shaping policing policies.

4. Policy Reforms: Advocate for the implementation of policies, such as repeal of the qualified immunity doctrine, that address systemic racism and bias within the criminal justice system. This further includes reviewing and revising policies such as stop-and-frisk, use of force, and racial profiling, with a focus on eliminating discriminatory practices.

5. Data Collection and Analysis: Allegations of police violence or misconduct haved trouble the Committee, who criticized the absence of independent monitoring mechanisms with powers to investigate complaints of misconduct. Therefore, I call on the US to enhance data collection on racial profiling incidents and use the information to monitor trends, identify areas of concern, and develop evidence-based policies and strategies to combat racial discrimination.

6. Collaborative Efforts: Encourage collaboration between government entities, civil society organizations, and community stakeholders to develop comprehensive strategies that tackle systemic racism, promote social justice, and ensure equal protection under the law for all.

I believe that it is our collective responsibility to address racial profiling and police brutality in order to build a more just, inclusive, and equitable society. Let us stand united against racism and discrimination, working hand in hand to create a future where fundamental human rights are respected, irrespective of one’s race or ethnicity.

For more information about July 2023 Public Statement: Condemning Racial Profiling and Police Brutality Against African Americans, please contact us here.

Profile of Derek Diaz: Victim of Orlando Police Shooting

Profile of Derek Diaz: Victim of Orlando Police Shooting

Profile of Derek Diaz: Victim of Orlando Police Shooting

Name: Derek Diaz

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino


Derek Diaz was a 26-year-old Hispanic/Latino man living in Orlando, Florida, prior to his untimely death. There is limited information available about his personal background and upbringing, but it can be inferred that he was a member of a close-knit family.

Incident Overview

On July 3, 2023, Diaz was involved in a tragic incident that resulted in his death. The events unfolded when officers from the Orlando Police Department met Diaz in his car on Jefferson Street and North Orange Avenue. Body camera footage, released by the police department, depicts the encounter between Diaz and the responding officers.

Body-worn camera footage also show Diaz complying with the officers commands when they arrived on the scene. After Diaz reached into the console, the situation quickly escalated.

Review of the video further depicts an officer shooting into Diaz’s vehicle, despite him not having a weapon. He succumbed to his injuries shortly after.

There was no attempt by the officers to de-escalate or use less lethal means to control the situation.

Family Reaction and Public Outrage

Diaz’s family expressed their grief and shock at the actions of the police officers during the incident. Their attorney, Ben Crump, spoke on their behalf, demanding justice and calling for a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding Diaz’s death.

Firearm violence in the US has sparked widespread public outrage. Based on the reporting of Matt Trezza, dozens of people marched through the streets of Daytona Beach the same week calling for an end to gun violence.

Human Rights Defender, Quianna Canada has criticized the officers’ response. According to Canada, “there needs to be improved de-escalation approaches and increased accountability in law enforcement encounters.”

Impact and Analysis

Diaz’s death served as a catalyst for renewed discussions around police use of force and the treatment of minority communities by law enforcement.

“There should be legislative changes, adherence to international standards of policing and the implementation of a de-escalation unit to handle complex situations without resorting to lethal force,” says Canada.

Canon 4 urges “law enforcement officials, in carrying out their duty, to apply non-violent means before resorting to the use of force and firearms.”

While the full details of Diaz’s personal life has yet to be disclosed, his tragic death has left an indelible impact on his family and the wider community.

The incident serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities and controversies surrounding police encounters in the US, inspiring ongoing efforts to address systemic issues within the area of American policing.

Is the Adoption of De-escalation Unit the Game-Changer in Eliminating US Police Brutality?

Is the Adoption of De-escalation Unit the Game-Changer in Eliminating US Police Brutality?

Is the Adoption of De-escalation Unit the Game-Changer in Eliminating US Police Brutality?

Police violence has reared its ugly head again across the US. With a significant increase in the number of lethal incidents and unarmed victims lost; communities have been left alone to process a devastating amount of grief that just won’t end.

Year 2022 was an insufferable year for American civilians—Mapping Police Violence (MPV) found—showing US police killed roughly 1,201 people.

The interactive tools on MPV show the rate of civilians killed by police in 2023 are dreadfully similar to the rate of 2022. During that year, Black Americans accounted for 26% of those killed by police. When you carefully consider the fact that Blacks represent 13% of the US population, most would agree the number of Blacks killed in police encounters is shocking.

MPV States 602 Civilians Have Been Killed By US Police

At the time of writing this article, US police have taken approximately 602 civilian lives. As reported by MPV, there have only been 11 days in 2023—since they last updated their website—where US police did not kill a civilian.

The data gathered by MPV further show Black people are more likely to be killed during police encounters. Terrifyingly, statistics indicate 95% of America’s largest police departments kill Black people at a higher rate. The citation of this statistic does not discount the killings of other civilians by police in the US. Indeed, lives taken at the hands of the police is deeply concerning for any group. To illustrate this point, one only need refer to the incident where an Orlando police shot and killed an unarmed man named Derek Diaz.

Most Killings With US Police Begin With Traffic Stops

Data further suggest most killings with US police begin with traffic stops, involve non-violent offenses and often transpire where no crime was alleged. This data takes shape in the recent killing of Diaz and the 2022 killing of Jayland Walker, a 25-year-old who Akron police officers shot following an attempted traffic stop and foot chase. Based on Erun Salam’s reporting, police officers can be seen firing more than 90 bullets at Walker, where he sustained 60 wounds.

As stated by MPV, nearly 33% of civilians killed by the police were either running away, driving away or otherwise try to flee. This converges with Pickett, et al.’s finding that “…many Americans find various types of interactions with police to be traumatic; they are afraid of those interactions occurring” and this “fear is a significant factor in their lives.” [1]

Evidence Indicates Black Americans Have Good Reason to Fear Police

We know Americans find interactions with police to be traumatic, which may be an indication that Black Americans have a good reason to fear law enforcement. For instance, Pickett, et al. found “…most Black respondents (58%) are either “afraid” or “very afraid” of being killed by the police.” The percentage recorded for other groups, such as White respondents, was markedly less.[2]

Strikingly, research showed 45% of Black respondents prefer to be robbed or burglarised than to be questioned by the police “without good reason.”[3] We must also take into account that such a percentage does not represent all Blacks. Certainly, there are Blacks, as well as other people, who rather not be robbed or burglarised. I know the people close to me, including myself who do not want to experience either.

“Too many people are dying. There is a dire need for de-escalation approaches in the US. A new de-escalation unit may just keep civilian lives safe.”


Even still, Pickett, et al. discovered that Blacks had a well-founded fear of police. Nearly 42% of Black respondents said they were “very afraid” that the police would kill them in the next five years compared with 11% of White respondents.[4] Such fear rings true for 37-year-old Jarrell Garris, who got caught in the cross-fire of these statistics and is now on life support at Westchester Medical Center after a New Rochelle police officer shot him. Police’s shooting of Garris preceded statements that he opened and ate food from a grocery store he did not pay for.

Is Shoplifting Now Punishable by Death in the US?

The shootings of civilians in search for food raises an important question as to whether shoplifting in now punishable by death in the US. In the past, I have condemned extreme punishments for minor theft offenses and called on the US to increase penalties for excessive or lethal use of force deployed by shop owners and law enforcement officers in shoplifting incidents.

I have also called on the US to raise awareness regarding excessive use of force and lethal violence dangers through public service announcements and other educational campaigns.


The US should prevent and most severely punish violence and all violations of human rights affecting Black Americans which are committed by State officials, particularly police officers.[5] It must also do the same for individuals like Diaz, who find themselves in the cross-fire. This recommendation further invokes the canon of supporting international standards regarding the conduct of State officials, including the general principle of proportionality and strict necessity in recourse of force. For instance, Canon 4 states “law enforcement officials, in carrying out their duty, shall, as far as possible, apply non-violent means before resorting to the use of force and firearms.”

Thus, my recommendations are as follows:


[1] 5 Pickett, et al.(2022). The American racial divide in fear of the police. Criminology. Volume 60, Issue 2, pp. 291-320. Available at: (at p. 295)

[2] Id., p. 303.

[3] Id., p. 310.

[4] Id.

[5] CERD. (n.d.). General Recommendations (A/60/18). Retrieved from

A Country Researcher's Review of Brent Staples' Black Men in Public Space

A Country Researcher’s Review of Brent Staples’ Black Men in Public Space

A Country Researcher’s Review of Brent Staples’ Black Men in Public Space

This is my review of Brent Staples’ Black Men in Public Space. I am posting this review and analysis as a journal entry on the assignments I particularly enjoyed reading about while taking my Honours English class.

This piece is a harrowing exposé into the experience of Black men in the United States of America; the micro-aggressions, and implicit bias they repeatedly encounter. My first observation while reading Staples’ piece is that it gloomily shows how Black males—boys, teenagers or university students—are perceived as criminals and aggressors in American society. Whereas, those who they encounter are perceived as victims.

Staples further describes how Blackness is seen as intimidating and threatening to people in the United States. For me, this calls to mind instances of “driving while Black.” Where Blackness meets Whiteness, we often see Whiteness clutching handbags, locking car doors, policing Blackness in neighborhoods, following Blackness around in departments stores, and so on.

A Country Researcher’s Review of Brent Staples’ Black Men in Public Space. Does Society See Black Men in America As Criminals?

Staples’ piece also illustrates how Black men, who may find themselves in respectable occupations, are still perceived by society as criminals and thugs. For example, Staples described how police officers misidentified him as a killer (Staples, 1986). Police officers also held Staples at gunpoint irrespective of his status as a reporter (Staples, 1986). A similar incident happened to Dion Rabouin, a reporter for the Wall Street Journal. In the video uploaded to YouTube, we see a police officer arresting Rabouin and commanding him to take a seat. He also threatens Rabouin with a charge of obstruction if he did not comply (Rebel HQ, 2023). In 2020, police in riot gear arrested Omar Jimenez, a Black correspondent for CNN, who was covering the protests in Minneapolis. Despite identifying himself as a reporter and complying with their request, Jimenez was taken into police custody (CNN, 2020). To be fair, Minneapolis police also arrested a CNN producer, who happened to be White.

My last observation is Staples’ attempt at enculturation and assimilation. To read that Staples felt he had to “whistle melodies from Beethoven and Vivaldi” (Staples, 1986) to not be perceived as non-threatening is surreal. It cannot be denied that Black Americans often engage in these self-preserving behaviours to provide those in their environment with comfort, so that Blackness can live to see another day.

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CNN. Police arrest CNN correspondent Omar Jimenez and crew on live television. 29 May 2020. 19 January 2023.

Rebel HQ. AZ Police Detain Law Abiding Black Reporter. 06 January 2023. YouTube. 19 January 2023.

Staples, Brent. Black Men in Public Spaces. 1986. . 19 January 2023.

Country Conditions Researcher: Repealing Qualified Immunity a Critical Step Towards Police Accountability

Country Conditions Researcher: Repealing Qualified Immunity a Critical Step Towards Police Accountability

Country Conditions Researcher: Repealing Qualified Immunity a Critical Step Towards Police Accountability

This statement is in condemnation of the disturbing acts of brutality inflicted upon a defenseless teenager in custody by the hands of Michigan officers sworn to serve and protect. The recent incident has uncovered yet another tragic case of excessive force within the US law enforcement system, emphasizing the urgent need for systematic change. I express my deepest sympathy to the victim and his family, as no individual should ever suffer such brutality at the hands of those entrusted to uphold justice.

This incident highlights a deeply rooted problem and underscores the necessity of immediate action, which the Warren police department did take in this particular case. The Michigan officer was placed on administrative leave and charged with assault and battery. However, I cannot ignore that US judges often acquit police officers who engage in misconduct, as with a Chicago officer who kneeled on a teen’s back.

I also cannot remain silent or ignore the injustices faced by marginalized communities and individuals who are disproportionately affected by police brutality, such as LaDonna Paris, a 70-year-old Phillips Theological graduate student, who Tulsa police officers taunted and mistreated.

After reviewing the footage, I am called on to demand justice for those who are abused by police in the US.

(1) I also call upon the US government to address Paris’ case. I further demand transparency and impartial investigations into this incident, holding those responsible and accountable to the fullest extent of the law.

(2) I further insist on comprehensive and ongoing training for law enforcement officers, particularly in de-escalation techniques and cultural sensitivity, so as to prevent such incidents from reoccurring.

(3) I urge society as a whole to actively engage in dialogue surrounding police brutality and rankism. Individuals with power feel emboldened to abuse marginalized persons because they often lack adequate support systems. By educating ourselves on oppression and advocating for the repeal of the qualified immunity doctrine, we can contribute to dismantling the structures that perpetuate violence and inequality.

We must turn our grief and anger into a force for concrete change. I stand with communities who demand justice and seek to work towards a future where no one experiences the horror and pain of brutality at the hands of those entrusted with their safety.

Does the United States Have an Obligation to Provide Adequate Housing?

Does the United States Have an Obligation to Provide Adequate Housing?

Does the United States Have an Obligation to Provide Adequate Housing?

Homelessness Persons Defined in International Law

The United Nations has defined homeless households as “households without a shelter that would fall within the scope of living quarters. They carry their few possessions with them, sleeping in the streets, in doorways or on piers, or in any other space, on a more or less random basis.”[1]

Who Figures Strongly in the Homelessness Demographic?

Black Americans in the US strongly figure in the homelessness demographic. It is well known and widely acknowledged that Black adults have been systematically denied—often explicitly by the law itself—equal civil rights and myriad socio-economic opportunities in the US[2] that has resulted in their homelessness state.

Why Are Black Americans Homeless in the United States?

The Special Rapporteur on adequate housing has highlighted that poverty is a common denominator in the experience of people experiencing homelessness.[3] Homelessness and poverty are inextricably linked.[4]

Concentrated poverty and residential segregation have increased during the post-civil rights era creating settings in which the behaviours that define antisocial personality, as seen with the Neely and Brown cases, are more likely to reflect the social environment rather than individual psychopathology.[5] To be sure, Rhee and Rosenheck found race-based inequalities in lifetime homelessness were primarily associated with differences in income, incarceration history, exposure to traumatic events, and to a lesser extent by antisocial personality disorder, age and parental drug use.[6]  

According to General Resolution 34, States should develop and implement policies and projects aimed at avoiding the segregation of communities in housing, such as Black Americans. The involvement of “communities of people of African descent” should be seen “as partners in housing project construction, rehabilitation, and maintenance.”[7]

Does the United States Have an Obligation to Provide Adequate Housing?

What Does the Right to Adequate Housing Guarantee?

While some articles claim that Americans are provided a bundle of protections through the Fair Housing Act, research demonstrates there are still particularly high levels of segregation in metropolitan areas with large Black populations. Indeed, Jargowsky, Ding and Fletcher found the racial and economic segregation in the nation points to the failure of the US to fully implement the FHA, particularly the law’s directive to affirmatively further fair housing. The Researchers also stated the large goal of integrated living patterns – the polar opposite of “two societies…separate and unequal” – has not been achieved. In other words, the patterns of Jim Crow are still alive.

The Obligation to Fulfil

Obligations to protect rest primarily with the US legislature, who is required to adopt laws ensuring that housing is available for people experiencing homelessness and persons in distress.[10] Indeed, the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing has called homelessness “perhaps the most visible and most severe symptom of the lack of respect for the right to adequate housing.”[11] States’ obligations towards the full realization of the right to adequate housing include taking measures to prevent homelessness.[12] Under the obligation to fulfil, the US must prevent and address homelessness; provide the physical infrastructure required for housing to be considered adequate, or ensure adequate housing to individuals or groups unable, for reasons beyond their control, to enjoy the right to adequate housing, notably through housing subsidies and other measures.[13]

[1] UN. “The Right to Adequate Housing.” United Nations Office of the High Commissioner, Accessed 15 May 2023.

[2] Id.

[3] Id., p. 22

[4] National Coalition for the Homeless. “Why Are People Homeless?” Why Are People Homeless?, Accessed 15 May 2023.

[5] Id., p. 168.

[6] Rhee, Taeho Greg, and Robert A Rosenheck. “Why Are Black Adults Over-Represented among Individuals Who Have Experienced Lifetime Homelessness? Oaxaca-Blinder Decomposition Analysis of Homelessness among US Male Adults.” Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 2020,, p. 167.

[7] Thornberry, Patrick. “The Right to Housing.” International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination: A Commentary, Oxford University Press, Croydon, 2016, p. 370.

[8] Kälin, Walter, and Künzli, Jörg. The Right to Adequate Housing. The Law of International Human Rights Protection. Oxford University Press, 2019, p. 300.

[9] Id.

[10] Id., p. 302.

[11] Supra, note 1, p. 21.

[12] Id., p. 23.

[13] Id., p. 34.

Calls for Accountability Grow as HRD Quianna Canada Condemns Shooting of Trans Organizer, Banko Brown

Calls for Accountability Grow as HRD Quianna Canada Condemns Shooting of Trans Organizer, Banko Brown

Calls for Accountability Grow as HRD Quianna Canada Condemns Shooting of Trans Organizer, Banko Brown

To Honorable Olivier De Schutter and the Esteemed Members of the Human Rights Committee,

I am writing to urge you to conduct a thorough investigation into the murder of Banko Brown, an American trans organizer, whose life was taken by a security guard on April 27, 2023. The tragic event has left not only his loved ones, but also the entire LGBTQ community he was fighting for, devastated and fearful for their safety.

The Walgreens security guard stopped Brown for shoplifting, and afterwards, a confrontation ensued. During the confrontation, the security guard fatally shot Brown. Several US security guards have gunned down shoplifters in the US, raising the question as to whether shoplifting is now punishable by death in the nation.

Article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights prohibits arbitrary deprivation of life. It also provides for specific conditions for the imposition of the death penalty with respect to countries that have not yet abolished it. Although the US ratified the Covenant on June 08, 1992, individual citizens cannot bring a complaint under the protocol.

The Human Rights Committee has articulated that countries such as the US—that have not abolished the death penalty—only may impose the death penalty for the most serious crimes. This means the US must interpret the term “most serious crimes” restrictively and should appertain only to crimes of extreme gravity, involving intentional killing. Evidence indicates that Brown was unarmed. Crimes not resulting directly and intentionally in death, such as economic crimes, can never serve as the basis for the imposition of the death penalty under Article 6.

Calls for Accountability Grow as HRD Quianna Canada Condemns Shooting of Trans Organizer, Banko Brown and Strangulation of Jordan Neely

The murder of Brown is not just a crime against an individual, but an attack on the fundamental principles of democracy and the rule of law. As with Jordan Neely, Brown could not fully enjoy his rights, such as the right to food, because he could not afford to buy adequate food. I would even go so far as to say that Brown was also unable to obtain food because of the persistent patterns of discrimination in political and social participation in the US.

How the U.S. Government Failed Brown:

Right to Adequate Housing: the US Government has not fulfilled its obligation to protect homeless persons nationwide. As per the UN, States should regulate the housing and rental markets in a way that promotes and protects the right to adequate housing.

Right to Adequate Food: Food was not available, accessible or adequate for Brown. While there is no right to be fed by the Government, Brown does have a right to feed himself in dignity (Right to Adequate Food, p. 3). Whenever individuals or groups are unable, for reasons beyond their control, to enjoy the right to food by the means at their disposal, the US has the obligation to provide. An example provided by the UN is providing food assistance or ensuring social safety nets for the most deprived.

Links between Brown’s Human Right to Food and Other human rights:

The right to life. When people are not able to feed themselves, they face the risk of death by starvation, malnutrition or resulting illnesses.

The murder of Brown and Neely sends a chilling message to other houseless individuals that their lives are at risk. Indeed, the murder of impoverished persons is a broader problem with vigilante justice in the US. It may indicate a lack of respect for human rights, embolden a culture of impunity for those who commit crimes against homeless persons, or may indicate state-sanctioned violence.

As the world’s leading intergovernmental organization promoting peace, justice, and human rights, the UN has a responsibility to investigate such cases and hold those responsible accountable. The UN must send a strong message that the murder of homeless persons will not be tolerated and that those responsible must face justice.

I therefore call on the UN to conduct a thorough and impartial investigation into the murder Brown and Neely, and to seek information as to why the perpetrators are not being brought to justice. It is critical that the UN take action to prevent further attacks on homeless persons in the US, and to uphold the values of democracy, freedom, and justice that are at the core of its mission.


Journey to the Center

Black University of Arizona Student Conducting Research in Ireland Speaks Out About Her Persecution

Black University of Arizona Student Conducting Research in Ireland Speaks Out About Her Persecution

Black University of Arizona Student Conducting Research in Ireland Speaks Out Her About Persecution

To the Esteemed Professors at the University of Arizona:

I am writing this email in hopes of urging you to opt out of the Biden Administration’s constructive dismissal of Black student activists. As educators, you have a responsibility to promote critical thinking and civic engagement among the student population. This means supporting them when they exercise their democratic rights and engage in dialogue on issues that matter to them.

Black University of Arizona Student Conducting Research in Ireland Speaks Out About Her Persecution – Undermining Freedom of Expression

Recently, we have seen an alarming trend of students being punished for engaging in research and political activism. The Biden Administration has introduced a new policy of giving students an unusual and overwhelming amount of work as reprisal for research is dislikes, that could result in students, especially Black students, dropping their courses. This not only undermines their freedom of expression in the U.S. but also perpetuates a culture of fear and aversion towards social change.

As professors, you are in a unique position to protect the students of the University of Arizona from unjust policies and practices. By opting out of Biden Administration’s tactics, you can create a safe and supportive environment for independent research, activism and civic engagement on campuses and abroad.

Together, we can educate and empower students to be active global citizens who are passionate about creating positive change in society.

I urge you to stand with University of Arizona students, and other students around the world, who seek to send a clear message of resistance to any measures that seek to suppress independent research, free speech and activism. Let us demonstrate our commitment to fostering critical thinking and social responsibility by opting out of the Biden Administration’s destructive practices. Together, we can create a stronger, more inclusive, and more vibrant academic community that values intellectual discourse and respectful dissent.

Thank you for considering this urgent matter.


Quianna Canada

American Police Arrest Black Female After She Was Attacked By White Male

Arrest of Colorado Woman is the Product of Biased Policing in the United States

Arrest of Colorado Woman is the Product of Biased Policing in the United States

Westminster police officers in the State of Colorado arrested Charlene Gibson after she was attacked by a White male, despite the fact he faces the most serious charges of the two.

According to CBS Colorado, Gibson had permission from a Party City employee to park her car in a designated space while her friends loaded the car with birthday balloons. Gibson was approached by a man, who instructed her to move the car so that his wife on a walker could have access to the ramp. When Gibson declined do to so, and did not kowtow to his commands, he punched her in the face repeatedly. As a result, Gibson hit him back in self-defense. Law enforcement officers would soon arrived on scene. When they did, the arrested Gibson despite proof of her only acting in self-defense.

In 2019, a Kansas Black trans woman named Breonna Hill contacted law enforcement after a confrontation with a store clerk. When law enforcement officers arrived on scene, they handcuffed Hiill and kneed on her neck. In the video, the officers can be seen slamming Hill’s head onto the concrete and pulling her hands above her head. In 2020, a Black female cop named Arica Waters reported that a White male colleague had taken advantage of her sexually and found herself on trial for reporting the incident. As can be seen, Black women and trans Black women are vulnerable to physical and sexual abuse at the hands of law enforcement.

Evidence clearly demonstrates when Black Americans attempt to protect themselves against attacks, the criminal system punishes them more harshly than it does Whites. These facts undoubtedly confirm the idea that America has a double standard of justice and treatment as it relates to Black Americans. 

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U.S. Persecution of Black Americans Dominate Global Headlines

U.S. Persecution of Black Americans Dominate Global Headlines

U.S. persecution of Black Americans dominate global headlines and we are not even 30 days into the New Year.

The most recent headline is the death of Tyre Nichols, a Black man who the Scorpion Unit stopped and brutally beat earlier this year. On January 10, Nichols succumbed to his injuries. Demetrius Haley, Desmond Mills, Jr., Emmitt Martin III, Justin Smith, Tadarrius Bean and Preston Hemphill, were among the officers involved in Nichols death.

Days before Nichols’ death, law enforcement officers killed Keenan Anderson, a co-founder of the Black Lives Matters movement.

Both videos depict two men, Nichols and Anderson, who were both visibly frightened of law enforcement officers and fled. In one video, Nichols can be heard screaming for his mom while five officers punched and kicked him repeatedly. In the other video, Anderson can be heard yelling, “You are trying to George Floyd me.”

There is a debate among Americans as to whether these incidents should be considered acts of racism. CCG Bryson, who is known for his Christian conservative rapping, said “Can someone explain, logically, how 5 black officers killing a black man is white supremacy?” To which, Tariq Nasheed responded, it was the “white supremacist power structure that created that police unit that allocated the resources to them, trained them and incentivize them to go out there and terrorize the black community. That’s 100% white supremacy.” To be sure, prominent civil rights attorney Ben Crump said on The Daily Show that “the race of the police officer isn’t the determining factor of whether they’re going to commit excessive use of force. But it is the race of the victim. And it’s often Black and brown people who bear the brunt of police brutality.”

It must be emphasized that American law enforcement officers’ harassment and treatment of Black Americans as suspects, through pedestrian and traffic stops, has been thoroughly researched. A recent study found when police use tactics to gain control in encounters with civilians, such as issuing commands in an aggressive way, it fosters fear and make those encounters less predictable (Pickett, Graham & Cullen, 2022). For instance, an officers’ frightening commands may cause an individual to flee the scene, or result in them being hesitant to leave their vehicles even when officers command them to (Pickett, Graham & Cullen, 2022).

U.S. Persecution of Black Americans Dominate Global Headlines. Will the International Community Step In?

In 2016, the IACHR found U.S. law and practices regarding police killings soared to high levels of impunity (Canada, 2022). As a result, the IACHR urged the U.S. to conduct “exhaustive, impartial, independent, effective and prompt investigations.” Although human rights bodies have repeatedly advised the U.S. to bring its domestic law into compliance with international law and standards on use of force practices, the U.S. has failed to comply (Canada, 2022).

As I mentioned last year, in Bullets of Terror: Staring Down the Second Amendment’s Barrel of Death, the Biden Administration’s Executive Order on Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety does not go far enough, nor does it provide for specific criminal legislation for penalties against race-based policing that often results in death for many Black Americans.

The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination made clear that police are not free to use any amount of force. Indeed, the CERD stated the brutality and excessive or deadly use of force by law enforcement officials against Black and Latinx Americans, including against unarmed individuals, was deeply concerning. It also was concerned at the persistence of the practice of racial profiling by law enforcement officials in the U.S.

Both the End Racial Profiling Act of 2019 (H.R.4339) and the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021 (H.R.1280) have not made it pass the House. Moreover, U.S. federal and state legislation that regulates the use of lethal force by law enforcement officials is not in accordance with international law and international standards.

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